As of 5/12/2023
The FAA has approved the Airport to sell the portion of the land needed for the
Brick Kiln / Jefferson Ave intersection modification to the City.
The plan is to create another right turn lane, and for all traffic to be directed right or left (with no straight across to Walmart).
Now that it is approved by the FAA, Kiln Creek will continue to work with the City to keep our easement rights in that entrance area.
We do not have a timeline for this project yet, but will keep you posted!
The Peninsula Airport Commission has approved Virginia Natural Gas a temporary right-of-way easement in the field as you enter Kiln Creek (see blue areas on the map below). VA Gas will be installing a new 8-inch steel gas main line along Brick Kiln Blvd to the Airport cut-off road (see the red line on the map above).
This project is required to increase the pressures and system reliability for the existing customers in Kiln Creek. The blue temporary easements will be used for staging equipment and material and the red line is where the pipe will be installed.
This project is expected to take about 6 months and will start in the near future. As always, we will keep you updated as we know more.